Our Organization

What We Are About

We are a non-profit organization with the goal of assisting fire departments in Central and South America with receiving much needed equipment and training. This mission will help departments better serve their local communities by equipping them with the proper tools and knowledge to provide the services that are asked of them daily.

Local Events

Lonestar Bomberos is also actively involved in our locally here in DFW Texas with events to help strengthen relationships between local communities and the cities we live in.

These are some of the opportunities we have had the privilege of being a part of. We receive donations from many fire departments here in Texas and across the United State allowing us to do what we do. Without the support from our local communities here in the US our mission would not be possible.

Other Opportunities

In addition to providing in person training and equipment donations we have also started a mission to bring online remote training opportunities to the more widespread fire service community. This has been a cooperative effort of multiple organizations around the DFW area including Tarrant County College Fire Service Training Center. Creating an online training system taught by firefighters for firefighters has allowed many more fire communities to access mission critical training that may otherwise have not been possible. Please click our link to the left to view our Facebook page or join us here on our web based training page to view current and future training opportunities as they are released.